2. NAGE NO KATA...33 techniques
3. SHIME NO KATA...25 techniques
4. OKU NO KATA...25 techniques
5. SHININ NO MAKI...35 techniques
6. SHINYO NO MAKI...28 techniques
7. SHINGEN NO MAKI...25 techniques
8. KIAI NO MAKI...30 techniques
9. SHINRAI NO MAKI...26 techniques
NOTE: The spelling/romanization of the Japanese names of techniques is not consistent. This most likely points to the fact that the people who studied with Master Okazaki were not Japanese language scholars. Also, there is no rhyme or reason to the English translations for the techniques; this means that they can be literal translations, descriptions of the actions, symbolic, or completely whimsical.
( hand arts )
NOTE: This is the Yawara list as currently taught by Prof. Lescak. The first 20 arts are the original Yawara list taught by Master Okazaki; some of the remainder are techniques from Master Okazaki's Ladies Yawara; the remainder have been added by Prof. Lescak to give a more well-rounded, grabbing defense repetoire.
1. Katate Hazushi ichi...outside wrist release
2. Katate Hazushi ni...cross wrist release
3. Ryote Hazushi...double wrist release
4. Morote Hazushi...2 hands on 1 wrist release
5. Yubi Tori Hazushi...release from a finger grip
6. Momiji Tori Hazushi...break front neck choke
7. Ryoeri Hazushi...release from a cross choke
8. Yubi Tori...finger hold
9. Moroyubi Tori...4 finger come-a-long
10. Katate Tori...hand and wrist twist
11. Ryote Tori...double hand and wrist submission
12. Tekubi Tori ichi...counter to an outside wrist grip
13. Tekubi Tori ni...counter to a cross wrist grip
14. Imon Tori...chest push defense
15. Ryoeri Tori...counter to a double lapel grip
16. Akushu Kote Tori...turning handshake into throw
17. Akushu Ude Tori...quick armbar from a handshake
18. Akushu Kotemaki Tori...wrist and elbow lock
19. Kubi Nuki Shime...headlock counter
20. Hagai Shime...double shoulder dislocator
21. Sode Hazushi...sleeve grab escape
22. Seoi Hazushi...shoulder grab escape
23. Hadaka Jime Hazushi...rear choke escape
24. Hagai Shime Hazushi...full nelson escape
25. Ude Hazushi...hammerlock escape
26. Kata Muni Tori...counter to a single lapel grip
27. Ude Tori...armlock
28. Genkotsu Ude Tori...elephant trunk block and armbreak
29. Ude Gyaku...ulna press takedown
30. Ninin Kote Garami...2 man wrist hold
31. Kataeri Tori...counter to a single lapel grip
32. Ushiro Gyaku...double wrist hold from rear
33. Kata Hagai...standing shoulder hold
34. Tekubi Shigarami...bent wrist lock
35. Genkotsu Otoshi...butterfly art
36. Hung Gyaku...arm thru crotch throw
37. Ushiro Dake Nage...counter to a rear bear hug
38. Mae Dake Nage...counter to a front bear hug
39. Kata Garuma...figure 4 armlock
40. Osaegami grab counter
41. Kesa Nage...backward hip throw
42. Ashi Shigarami...leg lock
43.Kubi Nage...flying neck scissors
44. Shiho Nage...wrist and arm throw
45. Sankyo...inverted wrist lock
46. Hara Gatame...belly break
47. Gyakute Ude Garami...entwined hammerlock
( throwing arts )
NOTE: This is the Nage list as currently taught by Prof. Lescak. The first 20 arts are the original list taught by Master Okazaki; the remainder have been added by Prof Lescak.
1. Deashi Harai...outside foot sweep
2. Sasai Ashi...shin stop throw
3. Okuri Harai...double foot sweep
4.Soto Gama...outside sickle throw
5. Uchi Gama...inside sickle throw
6. Soto Momo Harai...outside thigh sweep
7. Uchi Momo Harai...inside/cross thigh sweep
8. Ogoshi...major hip throw
9. Utsuri Goshi...jump around ogoshi
10. Seoi Nage...shoulder throw
11. Ushiro Goshi...counter to seoi nage
12. Seoi Goshi...2 arm shoulder throw
13. Tsurikomi Goshi...cross loin throw with 2 sleeves
14. Harai Goshi...thigh sweep
15. Hane Goshi...springing hip throw
16. Uki Otoshi...floating drop
17. Makikomi...outer winding thro
18. Kane Sute...flying scissors
19. Tomoe throw
20. Yama Arashi...mountain storm
21. Tai Otoshi...body drop
22. Uki Goshi...floating hip
23. Koshi Guruma...hip whirl
24. Hane Makikomi...lifting/springing winding throw
25. Kosoto Gari...minor outer reap
26. Kosoto Gake...minor outer hook
27. Ouchi Gari...major inner reap
28. Kouchi Gari...minor inner reap
29. Hiza Guruma...knee wheel
30. Uki Waza...floating technique
31. Yoko Wakare...side separation
32. Tani Otoshi...valley drop
33. Sukui Nage...scoop throw
( grappling/constriction arts )
1. Eri Gatame...throw and apply headlock, arm outside
2. Kata Gatame...throw and apply headlock, arm inside
3. Juji Gatame...throw and apply cross body lock and arm scissors
4. Shiho Gatame...counter seoi nage and smother hold
5. Sunkaku Gatame...miss tomoe nage and apply figure 4 scissors
6. Ushiro Gatame...avoid blow, apply double arm dislocator
7. Namaguji Shime...throw, choke with fingers inside
8. Gyakujuji Shime...throw, choke with thumbs inside
9. Ichimonji Shime...1 long and 1 short lapel choke breaker
10. Tsurikomi Shime...bear claw choke
11. Hadaka Jime ichi...front strangle or neck break
12. Hadaka Jime ni...naked strangle from rear
13. Hadaka Jime san...naked strangle/choke/neck break from rear
14. Dakikubi Jime...flying headlock throw
15. Osaigame and chin neck break after throw
16. Kote Jime...throw and cross body wrist lock hold
17. Tenada Jime...arm bar from a countered choke
18. Dho Jime...flying short rib scissors countering ogoshi
19. Ashi Karame Jime...strangle and leg grapevine
20. Ashinada Jime...leg bar
21. Ashiyubi Jime...toe hold and ankle twist
22. Momo Jime...break from a leg scissors
23. Shikano Itsusoku...leg and hammerlock
24. Shidaro Fuji Shime...choke with big toe
25. Tatsumaki Shime...dragon choke and reverse arm bar
( combination arts )
1. Deashi Hayanada...foot sweep and arm bar
2. Ogoshi Hayanada...hip throw and arm bar
3. Seoi Hayanada...shoulder throw and arm bar
4. Norimi...counter ogoshi and choke
5. throw catching both ankles
6. Mizukuguri...block blow to ears and throw over back
7. Maiyamakagi...counter seoi nage, backthrow , kick clavicle
8. Komiri...leg split when opponent crouches low
9. Sakanuki...arm and rib break from stomach bump
10. Kotegaeshi...arm whip, block blow, break arm and strangle
11. Gyakute Nage...stiff arm throw countering ogoshi
12. throw and strangle
13. Katate Tomoe...1 arm circle throw
14. Shigarami...block blow, break arm, throw seoi nage
15. Gyaku Shigarami...hold opponent in hammerlock with 1 foot
16. Kote Shigarami...arm entanglement takedown and hold
17. Kogaruma...counter throw for mizikuguri
18. Tora Nage...3 headlock throws and kick to spine
19. Tora Katsugi...belt throw
20. Arashi Otoshi...quick strangle and back throw
21. Hiki Otoshi...wrist in knee lock
22. Kinu Katsugi...side circle throw
23. Kin Katsugi...hit testicles and side circle throw
24. crab
25. Gigoko Otoshi...airplane spin
( scroll of confidence )
1. Isami Tasuki Nage...diagonal over shoulder throw
2. Obi Hane Goshi...bent leg throw using belt
3. Tsurikomi balance sucker throw
4. Momiji Nage...strangle opponent after tomoe nage
5. Gyaku Hayanada...surprise reverse arm bar
6. Hiza Nage...knee throw
7. Oseikomi Gyakute Tori...headlock hold with armbar
8. Kobushi Shime...knee dislocator
9. Kesa Hazushi...rear bear hug break
10. Kubi Shime Tomoe Gyakute...counter for momiji nage
11. Ninin Nage...break from 2 man carry
12. Gyakute Gaeshi...arm whip
13. Hizaori Nage...knee solar plexus, kick testicles, circle throw
14. Gyaku Hagai...double diagonal armlock from blow
15. Ushiro Kannuki...rear double arm dislocation
16. Mae Kannuki...front double armbar
17. Hiki Tate Tori Shime...2 reverse armbars from sitting
18. Ude Garame...leg lock and figure 4 armbar
19. Ebi Shime...balling up and choking opponent
20. Ushiro Ebi Shime...horseback art or surfboard hold
21. Ushiro Nage...rear throw as opponent walks away
22. Gyaku Eri Shime...2 hands on 1 lapel choke
23. Ude Shigarami Shime...short arm scissors
24. Ashi Kannuki...Indian death lock
25. Kesa Karoshi...headbutt and takedown
26. Hando Shime...jumping side scissors, armbar, fingertip strangle
27. Ashi Gyaku...step-over corkscrew leglock
28. Habe Shime...standing strangle from front
29. Ashi Karami Tori...break ashi karami, leglock, armbar, strangle
30. Nidan Gaeshi...arm whip, rib kick, ebi shime follows
31. Satsuma Shime...strangle in sitting position
32. Tataki Komi...reverse surfboard hold
33. Ushiro Nage Tori...1 hand, cross armlock after ushiro nage
34. Saru Shigarami...arm stretch/rip at right angle to body
35. Sandan Gaeshi...headbutt throw, knee break and hip dislocator
( scroll of faith )
1. Gyaku Hizagaruma...reverse Indian death lock
2. Tsuki Hazushi Kotemaki...punch escape wrist wind
3. Tsukikomi Dome...punch-body stop
4. Sune Shime...shin constriction
5. Saru Shime...monkey climb
6. Tobi Tsuki Tenada...jump punch hand-blade
7. Obi Otoshi...belt drop
8. Sennin Kage...wizard on a cliff
9. Mune Dori...cross lapel shoulder pile driver
10. Tsurigane Otoshi...hanging bell drop
11. Inazuma...electric torch
12. Denko...lightning bolt
13. Kasumi Dori...grazing hold
14. Shishi Otoshi...lion drop
15. Tawara Gaeshi...rice bale counter
16. Tanbo Geri...dragonfly kick
17. Geri Dome...kick defense
18. Riuko...tiger and dragon duel
19. Haya Nawa...hog tie art
20. Katate Tai Atari...shoulder stroke, knee to groin, pile drive
21. Tsuki Mi...striking body
22. Ate Mi...body strikes
23. Zoo Kurawase...disabling art
24. Tora Nirami...tiger stare
25. Kiai Dori...kiai practice
26. Sanryu Dome...a series of strikes and kicks
27. Yuki punish offenders
28. Munen Muso...resting art
( scroll of belief )
1. Ten To...knockout blow to top of head
2. Riyo Mou...judo knuckle to top of jaw bone between eye and ear
3. Kasumi...quick judo knuckle to temple
4. Cho Tou...knockout blow between eyebrows with judo knuckle
5. Jin Chiu...judo knuckle to cheek
6. Matsukaze...slow killing art
7. Gebi...judo knuckle to destroy teeth
8. Murasame...method of causing blindness
9. Shichu...nerve art causing loss of speech
10. Danchu...paralyzing art
11. Kyoto...quick blow resulting in weakened lungs
12. Suigetsu...finger tip blow to solar plexus
13. Moyoshiou...poke to lower abdomen
14. Kiyoin...a sudden knockout blow that often kills
15. Tsukikage...finger poke to side
16. Inatsuma...finger poke to side
17. Hokashiyaku Zawa...judo knuckle to wrist, finger paralysis
18. Uchi Shiyaku Zawa...judo knuckle to wrist, finger paralysis
19. Yakou...finger poke to inside of thigh
20. Sen Riyu...kick to outside of thigh
21. Uchi Kibisu...judo knuckle to ankle, foot paralysis
22. Kouri...judo knuckle to foot, paralysis or death
23. In Nou...rabbit punch
24. Dokuko...neck dislocator
25. Kaychiu...finger poke to back, paralysis
( scroll of the spirit yell )
NOTE: this list was taught by Master Okazaki but not required for rank. Prof. Lescak has deleted walking the naked sword blade, which was taught as #4 under Demonstration Arts, because it was unduly dangerous with little practical value. He has replaced it with the fingertip board break which demonstrates skills needed in application of the Shingen No Maki .
Demonstration Arts
1. Waribashi Ori...break chopstick with paper
2. Karataki Wari...escape from Chinese torture sticks
3. Harage Ishiwari...break lava rock on abdomen
4. Moro Yubi Ate...spear hand/finger tip board break
Tessen No Maki...scroll of the iron fan
1. Katate Hazushi...escape from a wrist grip
2. Muni Tori... escape from a double lapel grip
3. Tomoe Mawari...defense against an overhead attack
4. Uchikomi Dome... block punch, throw backwards ogoshi
5. Katate Ori...take katate tori and strike
6. Katsura Wari...escape from a jump up smother hold
Tanto No Maki...scroll of the knife
1. Hibara Hazushi...defense for a backhand slash
2. Katate Hazushi...defense for an overhand stab
3. Tsukkomi Hazushi...defense for a straight thrust
4. Ryote Dome...defense for an overhand stab
Daito No Maki...scroll of the long sword
1. Nukimi Dome...stop sword in scabbard
2. Shiraha Dori...take sword with a grip on blade
3. Suso Barai...defense for an ankle cut
Bo No Maki...scroll of the long staff
1. Hanbo Uchikomi Dori...hold taken from a choke with a stick
2. Roku Shaku Bo Furi...twirling art
3. Mune Gatame...escape from staff on chest hold
4. Shiho Gatame...escape from hold with 2 staffs
5. Ninin Shime...standing escape from 2 staffs
6. Furo Shime...standing escape from 2 staffs
7. Schichinin Shime...transportation of prisoners
Tanju No Maki...scroll of the gun
1. Me Hazushi...defense for gun held at face
2. Mune Hazushi...defense for gun held at chest
3. Hibara Hazushi...defense for gun held at side
4. Ushiro Hazushi ichi...defense for gun held at back of head
5. Ushiro Hazushi ni...defense for gun held at lower back
6. Mawari Hazushi...defense against 2 guns
( the bastard scroll )
1. Akushu Kotemaki Nage...handshake, wrist winding throw
2. Soto Gama Kotemaki...wrist winding soto gama
3. Hadaka Jime Otoshi...dropping front neck break
4. Do Jime Nage...body strangle throw
5. Namijuji Hazushi Nage...standing choke escape throw
6. Genkotsu Kote Nage...punch wrist throw
7. Gyaku Genkotsu Ude Tori...punch, reverse arm breaker
8. Mae Kannuki Nage...front double armlock throw
9. Ryote Imon Nage...2 hand chest push throw
10. Suware Ryote Tori...sitting double wrist hold break
11. Ushiro Hadaka Jime...rear straight arm choke
12. Genkotsu Yoko Otoshi...punch, side drop throw
13. Uki Nage...floating throw
14. Uki Gyakute Gaeshi...floating arm whip throw
15. Sumi Otoshi Ebi Shime...corner drop lobster squeeze
16. Akushu Gyaku Otoshi...reverse handshake drop
17. Tomoe Otoshi drop art
18. Ushiro Uki Otoshi...rear floating drop
19. Katate Garuma Tori...single arm wheel throw and hold
20. Suware Uchi Dori...sitting strike defense art
21. Gyaku Saka Otoshi...reverse headlong drop
22. Mi Kudaki Otoshi...body smashing drop
23. Ryokuhi Uki...strength floating drop
24. Mae Kin Otoshi... front groin drop with leglock
25. Ushiro Kin Otoshi...rear groin drop with leglock
26. Gyaku Tsurigane Otoshi... reverse testicle drop
Considered for all promotions: Attitude, Effort, Attendance, Conduct, and an Up-to-Date Notebook
Yellow Belt (Rokkyu)
1. Dojo & Safety Rules
2. Basic exercises
3. Sutemies - all
4. Yawara - 20
5. Nage no Kata - 10
6. Shime no Kata – 13
Blue Belt (Gokyu)
1. Fundamental Principles
2. Nage no Kata – 20
3. Shime no Kata – all
4. Yawara - 30
Green Belt (Yonkyu)
1. Nage no Kata – all
2. Yawara – all
3. Basic Stance Drills
4. History of Kodenkan – Dan Zan Ryu
3rd Brown Belt (Sankyu)
1. Basic Striking, Kicking, & Blocking
2. Oku no Kata
3. A.R.C.Standard First Aid / CPR card or equivalent
4. Segatsu & No kappo
5. The ability to teach all previous requirements
2nd Brown Belt (Nikkyu)
1. Intermediate Striking, Kicking, & Blocking
2. Knife, Gun, & Club defenses
3. Police Course
4. Hanaji Dome & Kin Katsu
5. Basic Back & Neck Massage
6. The ability to teach all previous requirements
1st Brown Belt (Ikkyu)
1. Shinin no Maki
2. Basic martial arts history & the ability to define & differentiate
styles in the arts
3. Katsu / Kappo - all
3. The ability to teach all previous requirements
1st Black Belt (Shodan)
1. Kiai no Maki
2. Names of, & ability to locate, all: major bones, muscles, & organs
of the body; explain the basic structure & function of the human nervous
3. Basic knowledge of another martial art
4. Explanation of the “Ju” in Jujitsu
5. Minimum age = 17 years old
6. Assist instructor in conducting class for a minimum of 6 months
7. Practical application
8. Yawara Stick Course
9. Ability to perform a full body massage & basic stretching / alignment
10. The ability to teach all previous requirements
2nd Black Belt (Nidan)
1. Shinrai no Maki
2. Advanced Striking, Kicking, & Blocking
3. Basic proficiency with a weapon
4. 2 years as a Shodan
5. Active teaching
3rd Black Belt (Sandan)
1. Shinyo no Maki
2. 3 years as a Nidan
3. Active teaching
4th Black Belt (Yodan)
1. Shingen no Maki
2. 4 years as a Sandan
3. Active teaching
5th Black Belt (Godan / Professor)
1. Seifhukujitsu – all
2. 5 years as a Yodan
3. Active teaching
4. Ability to teach the whole Kodenkan – Dan Zan Ryu system
The following fundamentals are an important and integral part of the DZR system and were taught to Prof. Lescak by Prof. Browne.
Falling Fundamentals
1. Relax. Exhale completely before impact. Tuck your chin.
2. Slapping exercise - arms only, each side.
3. Slapping exercise - both hands with rollback.
4. Right and left alternating slapping exercise.
Sutemies & Rolls
1. Side sutemi.
2. Simple sutemi: to include getting to feet jujitsu style.
3. Straight-over sutemi.
4. Front sutemi.
5. Back Sutemi
6. Forward roll.
7. Backward roll.
8. Bayonet sutemi.
9. Side roll.
10. Twisting sutemi.
11. Front sutemi / back sutemi combination.
12. Forward roll / backward roll combination.
13. Forward roll, front sutemi, & back sutemi over an obstacle.
Dojo Customs & Courtesies
1. Style of bow: to include various meanings and customs
2. Ranking and formality
3. Notebook
4. Discipline
Dojo Safety Rules
1. Immediately report all injuries to the instructor.
2. Keep fingernails and toenails short and clean.
3. Safe places and positions on the mat.
4. Signaling.
5. Do not wear jewelry on the mat.
6. Do not chew gum on the mat.
7. Do not come to class when you have a contagious illness or disease.
Fundamental Principles
1. Ask questions.
2. Simple rule for strong and weak positions.
3. Kuzushi
4. Relaxation
5. Concentration
6. Precision
Stance Drills
1. T stance
2. Horse stance
3. Forward / bow & arrow stance
4. Cat stance
5. Twisting sit step stance
6. Replace hands with forward / twisting sit step stances
7. Holding tiger
8. 60 - 40 stance
9. Preying Mantis stance
The following Police Course (circa 1950's) was taught to Prof. Lescak by Prof. Browne (circa 1970).
Naperville Judo Club
(Laws American Judo and JuJitsu System)
Special Police and Self Defense Course
1. Stretching
2. Squatting
3. Blow Practice
A. Cut
B. Jab
C. Elbow
D. Heel of hand
E. Hammer blow
4. Kicking Exercises:
A. Side snap kick
B. Mule kick
C. Commando Kick
D. Knee to groin
5. Pivots and T-formation
6. Throwing exercises- right and left
7. Simple fall and getting up Judo style
8. Use of wrist flex submission or throw
9. Outside and cross wrist jerk and follow-ups
10. Use of elbow blows in breaking wrist grips
11. Defense against a chest push- one or two hands
12. Breaking one and two hand lapel grips
13. 45-degree approach with elbow comealong
14. Ulna press and variations
15. Bums rush pivot and takedown
16. Bent wrist comealong
17. Upper lip comealong
18. Wrist and shoulder pull down
19. Hammerlock and variations
20. Comealong from rear with arm around neck and chin hold
21. Arm through crotch comealong
22. Hair grip holds and comealong variations
23. 4th finger comealong and submission
24. Finger and thumb comealong
25. Thumb to thumb comealong
26. Thunderbolt- front and rear
27. Police armbar and reverse- simple and figure 4
28. Police comealong from handshake and reverse figure 4 armbar
29. 4th finger crank principle submission
30. Elbow crank and chest push with elbow lock
31. Japanese leg bar, one leg Boston Crab and Indian Death Lock
32. Under arm twist- forward and backward
33. Use of Hammer and elbow blows for breaking wrist and arm holds
34. Arm over head break for front choke
35. Scissors break using nerve center and over scissors
36. Counter for head lock
37. Counter for full nelson
38. Counter for rear and front bear hugs
39. Counter for flying mare
40. Counter for rear wrestlers choke
41. Counter for reverse headlock and neck breaker
42. Counter for hair grips- front and rear
43. Standing choke
44. Double and single lapel from rear- standing and seated
45. When on stomach using lapel and hand against head pressure
46. Rear strangle and neck breaker
47. Figure 4 strangle and neck breaker
48. Front strangle and neck breaker
49. Go behind and knee takedown
50. Rear heel to heel trip
51. Heel pull and hip push takedown
52. Wrestlers shoulder to knee takedown
53. Back of knee hook variations
54. Headlock takedown or throw
55. Calf to calf sweep
56. Flying Mare throw
57. Caution when in close
58. Leg push counter and follow-up
59. Leg hook counter and follow-up
60. Methods of putting a person through a door
61. Methods of taking a person out of a car
62. Handcuffing techniques
63. Mad dog safety art
64. Magic touch technique
65. Block - jab, cut, heel of hand blow or knee to groin
66. Block and under arm twist
67. Armpit duck
68. Elbow push counter and takedowns
69. General techniques against a knife using feint, furniture, etc.
70. Flexed wrist takedown from knife against chest
71. Elbow push counter against jab
72. Elbow push counter against overhand stab to neck or shoulder
73. Elbow push counter against bent arm attack
74. Elbow push counter against Phillipino reverse stab to stomach
75. Elbow push counter against razor in fist
76. General principles for gun work
77. Countering gun against chest or stomach
78. Countering against back - high and low
79. Countering gun against side
80. Countering gun held in pocket
81. Countering gun held a short distance away
82. Go behind for rifle held against back
83. Use of short club and methods of holding club
84. Thunderbolt comealong using club
85. Shin punishment
86. Jab to Solar Plexus, chin and vital areas
87. Cross arm counters and scissor punishment